Traffic Analysis for sfpp5UFib2 (OLT2) -- TVBCCRtr10G

System: TVBCCRtr10G in
Description: sfpp5UFib2 Link to UFiber OLT 2
ifType: ethernetCsmacd (6)
ifName: sfpp5UFib2
Max Speed: 536.9 MBytes/s
Ip: (No DNS name)

The statistics were last updated Wednesday, 22 January 2025 at 19:26,
at which time 'TVBCCRtr10G' had been up for 477 days, 5:41:25.

`Daily' Graph (5 Minute Average)

Max Average Current
In 1122.2 Mb/s (1.6%) 415.9 Mb/s (0.6%) 774.1 Mb/s (1.1%)
Out 141.6 Mb/s (0.2%) 44.8 Mb/s (0.1%) 49.4 Mb/s (0.1%)

`Weekly' Graph (30 Minute Average)

Max Average Current
In 1075.6 Mb/s (1.5%) 423.1 Mb/s (0.6%) 637.6 Mb/s (0.9%)
Out 105.8 Mb/s (0.1%) 42.9 Mb/s (0.1%) 43.4 Mb/s (0.1%)

`Monthly' Graph (2 Hour Average)

Max Average Current
In 1027.8 Mb/s (1.4%) 429.2 Mb/s (0.6%) 542.8 Mb/s (0.8%)
Out 86.0 Mb/s (0.1%) 44.5 Mb/s (0.1%) 62.8 Mb/s (0.1%)

`Yearly' Graph (1 Day Average)

Max Average Current
In 493.6 Mb/s (0.7%) 412.9 Mb/s (0.6%) 413.9 Mb/s (0.6%)
Out 51.0 Mb/s (0.1%) 42.3 Mb/s (0.1%) 43.9 Mb/s (0.1%)
GREEN ### Incoming Traffic in Bits per Second
BLUE ### Outgoing Traffic in Bits per Second